DE&I Guidelines
ACC's Board, guided by Allyens, initially developed DE&I guidelines, emphasizing social responsibility in the workplace and messaging.

DE&I Guidelines
Sector associations join hands to boost DE&I in marcom sector
Based on their belief in 'creativity for all', ACC, BAM, Creative Belgium, UBA, and UMA have joined forces to promote the meaning and importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Belgian marcom sector. As the sector is responsible for a large part of the media content consumed every day, agencies and clients also have a social responsibility. And not only in the workplace, but also in our messages. The DE&I guidelines were initially written out by ACC's Board of Directors under the guidance of Inclusive Marketing Agency Allyens and were further fine-tuned by the other trade associations.
The guidelines are divided into three sections: 'What is DE&I'; 'Why is DE&I important to our industry' and 'How can we ensure DE&I is widely embraced by our community?' The latter is illustrated using 16 statements, divided into three clusters.
ACC, BAM, Creative Belgium, UBA and UMA recommend their members to discuss the guidelines within their companies, appoint someone as responsible for respecting and promoting more DE&I and adjust processes where necessary. Only in this way can we as a sector fulfil the exemplary role expected of us.
The DE&I Guidelines are downloadable on the sites of the subscribing federations and are launched through a campaign #OpenToChange, elaborated by BBDO and CreativeBelgium, with an eye-shaped pin as a symbol. Wearing the pin shows that as an individual you are open to more diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace. The pin is available here and costs €5, with proceeds going to TaDA, a charity.