Risk Analysis psycho-sociological aspects at work

The updated law now covers workplace stress and burnout risks, showing a greater concern for employee well-being beyond specific forms of misconduct.

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Risk Analysis psycho-sociological aspects at work

The old law (08/’96) regarding violence, harassment and sexual intimidation is extended by a new law (09/’14) to risks of stress and burnouts at the work floor

Every company must organize a risk analysis.

Either by yourself: (cfr NL & FR Guide on www.acc.be)
  - Map the 5 A’s: arbeidsinhoud, -voorwaarden, -verhoudingen, -omstandigheden en –organisatie
  - Involve your employees in the process
  - Make sure the process gets translated into specific measures

Or by a specialized company (Mensura, Idewe, Attentia)
  - Eg.: SONAR methodology Mensura:
 1. Preparation & organisation
 2. Quantitative online checklist for employees
 3. Feedback & decision on next steps
 4. Qualitative interviews to determine actions for improvement
 5. SONAR-report with recommended action plan